Credentials: Graphic + Digital Design Diploma

Hello, my name is Monique Riley.

The reason I made the choice to go into the field of graphic design was because I have always had the need to create. I have always been someone to spend my free time doing any form of art I could think of. As the years past, I started to feel like I wasn’t living up to my full potential and I wasn’t growing in the areas I felt I needed to. I wanted to hone my creative skills rather then spending my days working unfulfilling labour jobs. I wanted to be appreciated for my mind and my ideas, rather than what I could physically accomplish in a day.

Specific areas of interest for me are UX/UI design and brand identity. I think these two areas appeal to me the most because of the problem solving involved. I get a lot of satisfaction out of finding the perfect solution to a problem. I enjoy challenging my self and problem solving and that was something I was lacking in my life. When I discovered graphic design I was really intrigued by the aspect that designers get to solve problems through creating visuals information.

Since making this leap into the design world, I have felt happier and more fulfilled then I could have ever imagined. Design is not something I chose to do on a whim or as a last resort, it is my dream and I am thrilled to be finally living it.